The I AM Statements of Jesus - Part 4 (I AM The True Vine) | | | |
The I AM Statements of Jesus - Part 3 (I AM The Truth; I AM The Light) | | | |
The I AM Statements of Jesus - Part 2 (I AM the Resurrection and the Life) | | | |
The I AM Statements of Jesus - Part 1 (Intro) | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 6 | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 5 | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 4 | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 3 | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 2 | | | |
The Son of Man - Part 1 | | | |
Overcoming Sin Through Christ | | | |
The Keys of the Kingdom | | | |
What is the Reward of the Redeemed? - Part 2 | | | |
What is the Reward of the Redeemed? - Part 1 | | | |
Anatomy of a Cult | | | |
To Gain Christ and Be Found in Him | | | |
The Church at Laodecia | | | |
The Opening of the 7 Seals of Revelation | | | |
Discovering Jesus Christ | | | |
Contending for the Faith Once Delivered | | | |
The Danger of Religious Tradition | | | |
Suffering With the Will of God | | | |
Are You Ready for the Second Coming? | | | |
Light, Judgment, and Choice | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 9 (WHAT Are We Building?) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 8 (The Living Word of God) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 7 (Full Commitment to God) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 6 (The God of All Grace) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 5 (Standing in Christ by Faith) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 4 (Yet Not I, But Christ) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 3 (The New Jerusalem) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 2 (The Lies of the Enemy) | | | |
The City Which Has Foundations - Part 1 (Christ in His People) | | | |
Shadow or Reality? | | | |
The Prayer God Will Answer | | | |
Learning Jesus Christ | | | |
Seeking First His Kingdom and His Righteousness | | | |
Faith in the Midst of Perplexity | | | |
A Call Back to Christ -- As the Source of All | | | |
Standing and Withstanding in the Will of God | | | |
Knowing the Will of God | | | |
The Essential of the Personal Cross | | | |
Ministering the Lordship of Jesus Christ | | | |
What is the Church? | | | |
Walking in the Flesh vs. Walking in the Spirit - Romans 8 | | | |
Seeing Victory in Jesus Christ - Romans 7 | | | |
Foundations of the Redemption - Romans 6 | | | |
Jesus Christ: Son of God; Son of Man | | | |
Restoration in Jesus Christ | | | |
Faith that Pleases God | | | |
Hearing the LOGOS of God | | | |
Quickened Together with Christ | | | |
The Manifestation of the Sons of God | | | |
The Upward Calling of God in Jesus Christ | | | |
Is My Christianity Personal or Borrowed? | | | |
The Parable of the Talents | | | |
The Nature and Characteristics of the New Birth | | | |
The ONLY Outcome to Real Spiritual Growth | | | |
The Ministry of Prayer | | | |
God's Purpose for the Body of Christ | | | |
The Key to a Renewed Mind | | | |
Called to Suffer | | | |
The Ultimate Issue in the Universe | | | |
Watch and Be Ready for The Second Coming | | | |
The Need for Redemption | | | |
Grace, Truth, and the Cross | | | |
The Purpose of God for the Wilderness | | | |
Standing Fast by Faith in a Time of Shaking | | | |
This Age Ends Only One Way | | | |
Speaking the Truth in Love | | | |
Knowing No One After the Flesh | | | |
Choose You This Day | | | |
The New Jerusalem | | | |
Spiritual Ministry | | | |
Baptized Into Christ | | | |
Psalm 39 - Seeing the Truth vs. Vain Imaginations | | | |
God's Living Word: Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 12 - A Cry for the Truth | | | |
Psalm 62 - My Rock and My Salvation | | | |
The Two Witnesses of Revelation | | | |
Psalm 4 - Exchanging the Truth for a Lie | | | |
Psalm 46 - The Crisis and Turning Point at Ziklag | | | |
Preaching the Person | | | |
Trusting God and Not Our Understanding | | | |
Four Warnings from the Epistle to the Colossians | | | |
Concerning Revival: Is Jesus The Alpha and The Omega? | | | |
The Ministry of Life and Light in Christ Jesus - Pt 2 | | | |
The Ministry of Life and Light in Christ Jesus - Pt 1 | | | |
Knowing the Will of God | | | |
The Work of Faith | | | |
The Natural Man vs. The Spiritual Man | | | |
Exhortations and Warnings from the Epistle to the Hebrews | | | |
Testing the Spirits | | | |
The Son of Man Ascended | | | |
Finding God in the Impossible | | | |
What is The Love of God? - Galatians Pt 28 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 28 | |
God's Seasons of Silence - Galatians Pt 27 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 27 | |
The Truth about Sowing and Reaping - Galatians Pt 26 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 26 | |
Jesus Christ: Realized and Expressed - Galatians - Pt 25 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 25 | |
The Offence of the Cross - Galatians Pt 24 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 24 | |
Christ in Us - Summary of Christianity - Sunday School at SHGB | | | |
Standing Fast in the Freedom of Christ - Galatians Pt 23 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 23 | |
The Truth about Spiritual Circumcision - Galatians Pt 22 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 22 | |
Do We Really Want the Truth? - Galatians Pt 21 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 21 | |
Sons and Daughters IN the Son - Galatians Pt 20 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 20 | |
How to Approach End Time Prophecy | | | |
What is the New Covenant? - Galatians Pt 19 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 19 | |
The Glorious Liberty of the Children of God - Galatians Pt 18 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 18 | |
Freedom From the Law - Galatians Pt 17 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 17 | |
The Foundation of Christian Liberty - Galatians Pt 16 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 16 | |
The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8) - Gal. Pt 15 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 15 | |
The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 7-8) - Gal. Pt 14 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 14 | |
The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 7) - Gal. Pt 13 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 13 | |
The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6-7) - Gal. Pt 12 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 12 | |
Declared Right for God - Galatians Pt 11 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 11 | |
Suffering for the Sake of Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 10 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 10 | |
The Danger of Counterfeit Christiantiy - Galatians Pt 9 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 9 | |
Yet Not I, But Christ - Galatians Pt 8 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 8 | |
Delivered in Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 7 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 7 | |
The Only Solution to Error - Galaitans Pt 6 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 6 | |
The Truth about Amazing Grace - Galatians Pt 5 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 5 | |
The Firm Foundation: Christ in Us - Galatians Pt 4 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 4 | |
Faith that is Solely in Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 3 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 3 | |
The Faith OF Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 2 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 2 | |
The One and Only True Gospel - Galatians Pt 1 | | Truths from Galatians - Pt 1 | |
Psalm 24 - The Absolute Essential of Righteousness | | | |
Psalm 9 - The Redemptive Judgment of God | | | |
Psalm 127 - Is My Christianity Real? | | | |
Psalm 112 - The Solution to Fear | | | |
Psalm 118 - Christ, Our Passover - Pt 2 | | | |
Psalm 118 - Christ, Our Passover - Pt 1 | | | |
Psalm 27 - Pt 2 - The Cross, The Life, and The Light | | | |
Psalm 71 - What Does it Mean to, "Abide in Christ?" | | | |
Psalm 48 - The Body of Christ: The Mountain of God's Holiness | | | |
Psalm 83 - When God is Silent and Seems Indifferent | | | |
Psalm 68 - Pt 2 - The Real Meaning of Antichrist | | | |
Psalm 68 - Pt 1 - End Time Revival and Apostasy | | | |
Psalm 54 - Freedom Through the Cross | | | |
Psalm 89 - God's Eternal Witness Thru the New Covenant | | | |
Psalm 51 - Truth in the Inward Parts | | | |
Psalm 32 - Reconciliaton Unto God | | | |
The Christmas Story: Life in Christ Through Adversity | | | |
Psalm 103 - The "Reward" of the Redeemed | | | |
Psalm 47 - The Truth about Inheritance in Christ | | | |
Psalm 130 - Christ: The One and Only Righteousness | | | |
Psalm 36 - Pt 3 - How to Have Fellowship with Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 126 - When the Lord Turns Captivity to Freedom | | | |
Psalm 133 - Unity in Jesus Christ vs. Evil Unity | | | |
Psalm 31 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ or The Gospel of Satan | | | |
Psalm 93 - The Flood of the Enemy and the Victory of Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 76 -- God's Answer to the Wrath of Man | | | |
Psalm 102 - The Building of Zion | | | |
Psalm 40 - Truth Without Compromise | | | |
Psalm 22 - The Eternal Presence of the Kingdom of God in Christ | | | |
Psalm 73 - Flesh vs. Spirit in Each Believer | | | |
Psalm 34 - Progressive Enlightenment | | | |
Psalm 43 - What Does it Mean to, "Be Holy?" | | | |
Psalm 11 - Destroying the Foundations | | | |
Psalm 18 - Deliverance From Sin and Death Thru Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 1 - Bearing the Fruit of Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 13 - Seeing and Hearing Jesus Christ | | | |
Psalm 33 - The Absolute Essential of The Truth | | | |
Psalm 42 - Coming Alive by Faith to The Living God | | | |
Psalm 37 - Reasons Why God Allows Evil | | | |
Psalm 50 - Pt 2 - The Gathering and Dividing by God's Word | | | |
Psalm 50 - Pt 1 - "Gather My Saints Together Unto Me" | | | |
Psalm 8 - The Son of Man; The Last Adam | | | |
Psalm 2 - You Are Come to Mount Zion | | | |
Psalm 36 - Pt 2 - The Fountain of Life | | | |
Psalm 36 - Pt 1 - The Absolute Essential of Christ as Our Life | | | |
Psalm 121 - Do We Really Believe God? | | | |
Psalm 44 - A Personal Faith in Jesus Christ that Cannot be Moved | | | |
Psalm 77 - A Journey Out of Self Into God | | | |
Psalm 95 - Entering His Rest by Faith | | | |
Psalm 25 - A Cry for Truth | | | |
Psalm 27 - Pt 1 - The Lord is My Light and My Life | | | |
The Love of Money | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 8 | |
Faithful Witnesses | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 7 | |
The Woman in the Wilderness (Revelation 12) | | | |
The One Thing Believers Must Lose | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 6 | |
Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 5 | |
One Mediator Between God and Man: Jesus Christ | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 4 | |
The Responsibility of a Christian in a Fallen World | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 3 | |
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 2 | |
Led by God into Suffering | | | |
The Pillar and Ground of the Truth | | Truths from I Timothy - Part 1 | |
The Lamb Who Was Slain (Revelation 5) | | | |
Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 3 (Wheat and Tares) | | Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 3 | |
Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 2 (Matt. 24) | | Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 2 | |
God's Inheritance in His Saints (Carried by the Presence of God - Part 4) | | God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 4 | |
Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 1 (Judged by Truth) | | Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 1 | |
God's Inheritance in His Saints (The Victory of Faith - Part 3) | | God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 3 | |
God's Inheritance in His Saints (The Battle of Faith - Part 2) | | God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 2 | |
God's Inheritance in His Saints (A Manifestation of Christ - Part 1) | | God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 1 | |
Realizing Jesus Christ (Law vs Grace - Pt 6) | | | |
Walking in the Light (Law vs. Grace - Part 5) | | | |
Walking in the Flesh vs. Walking in the Spirit (Law vs. Grace - Part 4) | | | |
Jesus Christ is God's Sabbath Day (Law vs. Grace - Part 3) | | | |
Christ, Our Righteousness (Law vs. Grace - Part 2) | | | |
By Grace thru Faith (Law vs. Grace - Part 1) | | | |
| | | |